Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Quiverfull - Jeub Style

I love the ministry of the Jeub family. I check their blog throughout the week and find them very honest and humble. Recently a photo journalist from Reuters came and observed them for a few days. The Reuters' journalist created a photo slide show with narration from Chris and Wendy Jeub explaining the term Quiverfull.

I am not sure how to find the video I have embedded so you will have to go to the Jeub's site to see the video. Unfortunatley, I am not the technical one in the family my wonderful husband is. I will have to consult with him regarding the whole embedding dilemma.

Living the quiverfull life is truly putting everything in God's hands. I think the womb is one of the last things people give over to God. Sure many say God is in control of their life but they still will do what ever it takes to keep from having another child.
The Bible tells us that children are a blessing and blessed is the man whose quiver is full. Why do we accept the blessing of money, authority, wisdom, things, ..... but after a few children say please don't bless me with anymore - I am done. We would never say that about the other blessings God chooses to bestow on us.
My favorite quote is from Wendy, she says:
" ...What's really important at the end of your life? Is it this great career, running around chasing money or that you traveled all over the world and saw everything? No, it's family. Family is the most important thing."
Her words are exactly the way I choose to live my life. Time with family is so important and something we can never get back no matter how hard we try. We can never truly make up for lost time with our husband or children. The Jeub family continually encourages me in the way I choose to live life with my family.