Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Some of My Favorite Quotes

Here are just a few of my favorite quotes. I started collecting quotes when I was in college. It is interesting to go through them and see what I found interesting during that time in my life. I find it fascinating that the quotes I started collecting 17 years ago still pertain to my life and desires. God was molding me for today and that amazes me! Some people collect stamps I collect thoughts.

"... they need your heart knitted to theirs as they make their choices and hammer out their convictions. they need you to help them think about the clothing they wear, the types of people they date and the peer pressure they face..."
- Dennis Rainey

Real parents are "all there" - not just "there" as much as possible.
- Dennis Rainey

When the night is darkest, dawn is nearest.
- Charles Spurgeon


  1. Hello and welcome to blogworld! I saw your comment on Barbara's MommyLife post about that ridiculous new coverage of Obama buying a burger!

    I was wondering if any of those sweet little girls happened to be twins?

    I hope you find your blogging niche and get comfortable in it.


  2. Thank you for the comment. Yes, Maddie and Sofie are 3yo twins and sitting between is their 1yo sister Helena. I see you have a set yourself, what a great family! thanks for the comment.


  3. oops - Sitting beween them - I meant.
